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Jeffery's Greenhouse

Eco Options.

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Jeffery’s Greenhouse is helping the environment one plant at a time.

Water is a vital resource to all life on Earth, and water conservation is an integral part of Jeffery’s Greenhouse daily routine and sustainable growing practices.

Jefferys Greenhouse

An exclusive partner of The Home Depot Canada for more than 25 years, Jeffery’s Greenhouses is a leading grower supplying bedding plants, containers and seasonal potted plants based in the Niagara Region. With over 1 million square feet of growing space at two facilities in St. Catharine’s and Jordan, Ontario, the Jeffery family is proud to be celebrating its 90th year with the third generation running the business today.

The critical player in Jeffery’s water conservation efforts is the use of rainwater for irrigation, which they rely on to water their plants. Rainwater is collected from greenhouse roofs and stored in a large holding tank. As this is the main water source for their crops, it must be managed daily within the facility. 


Jeffery’s plants are grown in a climate-controlled environment run by state-of-the-art specialized computer systems. Precision irrigation systems provide the exact quantity of water necessary for the plant, which aids in reducing water waste. The greenhouse also has concrete floors that support sub irrigation of the crops by allowing water to flow in and out from center drainage holes in the floor. This ensures plants can take as much water as needed from their roots; once the specific time is up, water flows back into the drainage holes and is sent to the central storage location, where it is then cleaned and ready to be used again.


Young plants are watered from overhead until their roots are well established. Automated watering booms are also used to manage the exact amount of water needed for specific crops. In addition, all drainage in the greenhouse is captured from the crops and recycled, allowing Jeffery’s to further eliminate water loss.

Click here to watch a video from Jeffery’s Greenhouse.