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Canada Greener Homes Grant

Canada Greener Homes Grant Update

Important notice for Canadian homeowners: The Canada Greener Homes Grant has closed intakes of new applicants. The government encourages homeowners who have already completed their online registration and have an application number to proceed in a timely manner with their retrofits.

Check the government’s Canada Greener Homes website to confirm eligibility for funding and support. Homeowners in Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia should refer to provincial delivery partners for updates.

The Canada Greener Homes Loan remains open.

For homeowners who are already registered and eligible, see below for information on how The Home Depot can help with your home efficiency retrofits.

Greener Homes Grant Rebates

in All Provinces

The Government of Canada’s Greener Home Grant has stopped accepting new applications. Homeowners who are actively enrolled in the program may still be eligible to take advantage of grants and the Canada Greener Homes Loan. See the Canada Greener Homes Grant website for more details.

Canada Greener Homes Loan (up to $40,000)

The Canada Greener Homes Loan is still available to Canadians looking to make their homes more energy efficient and comfortable. Homeowners can apply for an interest-free loan between $5,000 and $40,000. This is an unsecured personal loan provided on approved credit with a 10-year repayment term. The maximum loan amount is calculated based on the retrofits planned and selected as part of the application process. Only one loan is available to each eligible property and homeowner (exceptions apply).

To be eligible for the loan, please review the following eligibility requirements:

  • You must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or non-permanent resident who is legally authorized to work in Canada
  • You must own the home and it must be your primary residence
  • You have a pre-retrofit evaluation and have not yet had a post-retrofit evaluation
  • Your pre-retrofit evaluation was completed on or after April 1, 2020
  • You have not started the retrofits for which you are seeking a loan
  • You have a good credit history and are not in:
    • a consumer proposal
    • an orderly payment of debt program
    • a bankruptcy or equivalent insolvency proceeding

You will be asked to share financial information to demonstrate that you have the financial capacity to repay the loan.

You cannot apply for a loan for the following:

  • work that has already been started or completed
  • retrofits that were not recommended in your pre-retrofit evaluation
  • retrofits that are not included in your application (that is, you must not add additional retrofits to your loan application after it has been approved)
  • retrofits that are not eligible for a Canada Greener Homes Grant

For more information and to apply for the loan, visit Natural Resources Canada’s Greener Homes Loan webpage. To submit your application, you will need to upload the following documentation:

  • Your property tax statement
  • Government-issued ID
  • A utility bill
  • Confirmation of income and employment
  • Quotes from contractors

How The Grant Process Works

in All Provinces

All retrofits must be completed following an EnerGuide home evaluation.

1 Step 1

The Government of Canada’s Greener Home Grant has stopped accepting new applications. Homeowners who are actively enrolled in the program may still be eligible to take advantage of grants and the Canada Greener Homes Loan. Continue to follow these steps to upgrade your home and claim your eligible grants.

2 Step 2

Book your pre-retrofit EnerGuide home evaluation with an advisor registered with Natural Resources Canada. A list of approved energy advisors is available when you register for the program. Work cannot start until the evaluation is completed.

3 Step 3

Apply for an optional, interest-free loan. You can apply for the Canada Greener Homes Loan through NRCan after you have received your EnerGuide evaluation. To be eligible for the loan, you must not have started or completed your retrofits.

4 Step 4

Review the EnerGuide evaluation. This evaluation will identify eligible energy efficient upgrades for your home.

5 Step 5

Retrofit your home based on the EnerGuide evaluation. Explore to find products to support your retrofit. Our Home Services team can help with some retrofits where you need a little bit of help. You must keep all purchase receipts and invoices for the EnerGuide home evaluation and any retrofit work.

6 Step 6

The Government of Canada’s Greener Home Grant has stopped accepting new applications. Homeowners who are actively enrolled in the program may still be eligible to take advantage of grants and the Canada Greener Homes Loan. Continue to follow these steps to upgrade your home and claim your eligible grants.

Required Documents

In order to be eligible for the grant, you will need to collect and keep your documentation.

To apply for the grant, you will need to provide the following:

  • Receipts your pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluations
  • All receipts and invoices for purchases and installation costs (receipts must indicate that they have been paid in full)

If applicable, you may need to provide documents supporting the following:

  • Grid-connected solar photovoltaic systems were approved to be connected by the local electrical or building authority.
  • Mechanical systems were installed by a trained and licensed professional.
  • Ground-source heat pumps were installed in accordance with CSA standards.
  • Air-source head pumps or cold climate air source heat pump systems are capable of distributing heat to the entire home.
  • Off-grid systems were designed and installed in accordance with local building and electrical codes

Retain all documentation until March 31, 2028.

Ontario Home Efficiency Rebate Plus Update

Important Notice for Ontario homeowners: The Enbridge Gas Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program, delivered in partnership with the Canada Greener Homes Grant has closed intakes of new applicants. Homeowners who completed a pre-retrofit energy assessment prior to February 5, 2024 should still be eligible for grants as long as the assessment was documented in Enbridge’s system prior to the deadline.

Homeowners in Ontario are encouraged to visit the Enbridge Gas’s website or their Registered Energy Advisor for more information.

The Canada Greener Homes Loan remains open.

For homeowners who are already registered and eligible, see below for information on how The Home Depot can help with your home efficiency retrofits.

Greener Homes Grant Rebates

in Ontario

The Enbridge Gas Home Efficiency Rebate Plus (HER+) program, delivered in partnership with the Canada Greener Homes Grant has closed intakes of new applicants. Homeowners who completed a pre-retrofit energy assessment prior to February 5, 2024 should still be eligible for the grants below as long as the assessment was documented in Enbridge’s system prior to the deadline. Homeowners in Ontario are encouraged to visit the HER+ website or their Registered Energy Advisor for more information.

Type of Retrofit

Maximum Rebate

Home Insulation

  • Upgrade your eligible attic, cathedral ceiling, flat roof, exterior wall, exposed floor, basement and crawl space.
  • Grants are calculated based on eligible insulation area, extent of work completed, and amount of insulation added.
  • Up to $10,000
  • Up to $2,350 for attics, cathedral ceilings and flat roofs
  • Up to $6,750 for exterior walls
  • Up to $450 for exposed floors
  • Up to $2,000 for basements & crawl spaces

Air Sealing

  • Perform air sealing to improve the airtightness of your home to achieve the air-change rate target.
  • Grants are awarded if airtightness testing meets or exceeds targets from your Renovation Upgrade Report
  • Up to $1,300

Windows and Doors

  • Replace your doors, windows or sliding glass doors with ENERGY STAR® certified or Most Efficient models
  • Up to $325 per rough opening, to a maximum of $10,000

SMART Thermostats

  • Add a smart thermostat to help improve your comfort and save money on your energy bill.
  • Must be combined with another energy-efficiency retrofit.
  • $50 plus an additional $75** through the Enbridge Gas smart thermostat program

Space and Water Heating

  • Make the switch to more energy-efficient space heating or water heating equipment to save on your utility bill and reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Up to $7,800*
  • Up to $6,500 for eligible ground-source heat pumps
  • Up to $6,500 for eligible air source heat pumps
  • Up to $1,300 for eligible heat pump water heaters


  • Furnaces and boilers grants are available to homeowners living in northern and off-grid communities.
  • Between $1,600 and $3,500 for eligible units

Renewable Energy

  • Install a solar photovoltaic system to convert sunlight energy into electricity.
  • Only eligible to homeowners who own their primary residence.
  • Up to $5,000 ($1,000 per kW added in most cases)

Resiliency Measures

  • Implement measures to protect your home and family from environmental damages.
  • Must be combined with another energy efficiency retrofit and only eligible to homeowners who own their primary residence.
  • Up to $1,625 (in most cases)
  • Up to $1,000 for batteries connected to photovoltaic systems
  • Up to $150 for roofing membrane
  • Up to $875 for basement waterproofing
  • Up to $600 for moisture-proofing crawlspaces

H.E.R.+ Grant Eligibility

for Ontario

Enbridge Gas and the Canada's Greener Homes Grant have partnered to provide provincial rebates towards eligible retrofits such as home insulation, windows and doors, heat pumps and renewable energy systems.

The new, co-ordinated Home Efficiency Rebate Plus (H.E.R.+) program allows residents across the province, including current Enbridge Gas customers who use natural gas to heat their homes to receive rebates up to $10,000. Participants can also offset the cost of their home energy assessment with an additional rebate of $600.

Many Ontarians are eligible for the grant, including:

✔  Homes that are space heated with Enbridge Gas natural gas that are the owners’ primary residence (Maximum grant $10,000) (Rebate Package A)

✔ Rebates for homeowners who do not heat their home with Enbridge Gas (Maximum grant $5,000) (Rebate Package B) ·

✔ Homes that are space heated with Enbridge Gas natural gas but are not the owners’ primary residence. (Maximum grant $10,000) (Rebate Package C)

✔ Communities not connected to the North American electrical grid nor to the piped natural gas network, living in a permanent or long-term settlement with at least 10 dwellings. (Maximum grant $5,000) (Rebate Package D)

  Rebates are funded through Enbridge Gas, Natural Resources Canada’s Greener Homes Grant, or a combination of both.

Canada Greener Homes Loan (up to $40,000)

Ontario Homes That Do Not Qualify Include:

  • Homes not space-heated by Enbridge Gas, where the owner is not the primary resident (rental units)
  • Multi-unit residential buildings (MURB) with more than 3 storeys or larger than 600 m2.
  • Homes built less than 6 months ago
  • Mixed use buildings where less than 50 percent of the building is residential living space
  • Homes that have already completed the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus (HER+) or Canada Greener Homes Grant (CGHG) programs and maxed out their incentive at $10,000 for Enbridge space-heated customers, and $5,000 for non-Enbridge customers.
  • Homes that have already started work on the upgrades before they conduct their pre-retrofit energy assessment.

How the rebate process works

in Ontario

Complete a questionnaire here to see if you are eligible for the grant.

1 Step 1

Call to book an initial home energy assessment with a licensed Registered Energy Advisor. A list of approved energy advisors is available when you complete the questionnaire on the HER+ webpage. Work can not start until the initial assessment is completed.

2 Step 2

Apply for an optional, interest-free loan. You can apply for the Canada Greener Homes Loan through NRCan after you have received your home energy assessment. To be eligible for the loan, you must not have started or completed your retrofits.

3 Step 3

Review the EnerGuide evaluation that is provided by your Registered Energy Advisor. This evaluation will identify eligible energy efficient upgrades for your home.

4 Step 4

Retrofit your home based on the EnerGuide evaluation. Explore to find products to support your retrofit. Our Home Services team can help with some retrofits where you need a little bit of help. You must keep all purchase receipts and invoices for the EnerGuide home evaluation and any retrofit work.

5 Step 5

Book a post-retrofit home energy assessment evaluation with the same Registered Energy Advisor once you have completed all upgrades. This evaluation will assess the performance of the home following retrofits. The energy advisor will also collect copies of your receipts and documentation from your renovation.

6 Step 6

Your rebates will arrive by mail, including up to $600 for the energy assessment.

The Canada Greener Homes Loan is still available to Canadians looking to make their homes more energy efficient and comfortable. Homeowners can apply for an interest-free loan between $5,000 and $40,000. This is an unsecured personal loan provided on approved credit with a 10-year repayment term. The maximum loan amount is calculated based on the retrofits planned and selected as part of the application process. Only one loan is available to each eligible property and homeowner (exceptions apply).

To be eligible for the loan, please review the following eligibility requirements:

  • You must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or non-permanent resident who is legally authorized to work in Canada
  • You must own the home and it must be your primary residence
  • You have a pre-retrofit evaluation and have not yet had a post-retrofit evaluation
  • Your pre-retrofit evaluation was completed on or after April 1, 2020
  • You have not started the retrofits for which you are seeking a loan
  • You have a good credit history and are not in:
    • a consumer proposal
    • an orderly payment of debt program
    • a bankruptcy or equivalent insolvency proceeding

You will be asked to share financial information to demonstrate that you have the financial capacity to repay the loan.

You cannot apply for a loan for the following:

  • work that has already been started or completed
  • retrofits that were not recommended in your pre-retrofit evaluation
  • retrofits that are not included in your application (that is, you must not add additional retrofits to your loan application after it has been approved)
  • retrofits that are not eligible for a Canada Greener Homes Grant

For more information and to apply for the loan, visit Natural Resources Canada’s Greener Homes Loan webpage. To submit your application, you will need to upload the following documentation:

  • Your property tax statement
  • Government-issued ID
  • A utility bill
  • Confirmation of income and employment
  • Quotes from contractors

How The Grant Process Works

in All Provinces

All retrofits must be completed following an EnerGuide home evaluation.

1 Step 1

The Government of Canada’s Greener Home Grant has stopped accepting new applications. Homeowners who are actively enrolled in the program may still be eligible to take advantage of grants and the Canada Greener Homes Loan. Continue to follow these steps to upgrade your home and claim your eligible grants.

2 Step 2

Book your pre-retrofit EnerGuide home evaluation with an advisor registered with Natural Resources Canada. A list of approved energy advisors is available when you register for the program. Work cannot start until the evaluation is completed.

3 Step 3

Apply for an optional, interest-free loan. You can apply for the Canada Greener Homes Loan through NRCan after you have received your EnerGuide evaluation. To be eligible for the loan, you must not have started or completed your retrofits.

4 Step 4

Review the EnerGuide evaluation. This evaluation will identify eligible energy efficient upgrades for your home.

5 Step 5

Retrofit your home based on the EnerGuide evaluation. Explore to find products to support your retrofit. Our Home Services team can help with some retrofits where you need a little bit of help. You must keep all purchase receipts and invoices for the EnerGuide home evaluation and any retrofit work.

6 Step 6

The Government of Canada’s Greener Home Grant has stopped accepting new applications. Homeowners who are actively enrolled in the program may still be eligible to take advantage of grants and the Canada Greener Homes Loan. Continue to follow these steps to upgrade your home and claim your eligible grants.

Required Documents

To apply for the rebate, you will need to provide the following:

  • Receipts your pre- and post-retrofit home energy assessments.
  • All receipts and invoices for purchases and installation costs (receipts must indicate that they have been purchased in Canada).

If applicable, you may need to provide documents supporting the following:

  • Grid-connected solar photovoltaic systems were approved to be connected by the local electrical or building authority.
  • Mechanical systems were installed by a trained and licensed professional.
  • Ground-source heat pumps were installed in accordance with CSA standards.
  • Air-source head pumps or cold climate air source heat pump systems are capable of distributing heat to the entire home.
  • Off-grid systems were designed and installed in accordance with local building and electrical codes

Retain all documentation until March 31, 2027.

Frequently Asked Questions

Home Energy Assessment (HEA) Update for Nova Scotia

Important Notice for Nova Scotia homeowners: The federal Canada Greener Homes Grant has closed intakes of new applicants. Homeowners in Nova Scotia are encouraged to visit the Home Energy Assessment website for updates.

The Canada Greener Homes Loan remains open.

For homeowners who are already registered and eligible, see below for information on how The Home Depot can help with your home efficiency retrofits.

Greener Homes Grant Rebates

in Nova Scotia

The Government of Canada’s Greener Home Grant has stopped accepting new applications. Homeowners who are actively enrolled in the program may still be eligible to take advantage of grants and the Canada Greener Homes Loan. See Nova Scotia’s Home Energy Assessment website for more details.

Type of Retrofit

Maximum Rebate

Home Insulation

  • Upgrade your eligible attic, cathedral ceiling, flat roof, exterior wall, exposed floor, basement and crawl space. Grants are calculated based on eligible insulation area, extent of work completed, and amount of insulation added.
  • Up to $10,000
  • Up to $2,550 for attics, cathedral ceilings and flat roofs
  • Up to $6,500 for exterior walls
  • Up to $550 for exposed floors
  • Up to $2,700 for basements & crawl spaces

Air Sealing

  • Perform air sealing to improve the airtightness of your home to achieve the air-change rate target. 
  • Grants are awarded if airtightness testing meets or exceeds targets from your Renovation Upgrade Report Install an HVI certified heat recovery ventilator to improve air exchange.
  • Up to $1,200 for improving the airtightness of your home
  • Up to $300 for adding a heat recover ventilator

Windows and Doors

  • Replace your doors, windows or sliding glass doors with ENERGY STAR® certified or Most Efficient models
  • Up to $280 per rough opening, to a maximum of $10,000

Smart Thermostats

  • Add a smart thermostat to help improve your comfort and save money on your energy bill.
  • Must be combined with another energy-efficiency retrofit.
  • Up to $50

Space and Water Heating

  • Make the switch to more energy-efficient space heating or water heating equipment to save on your utility bill and reduce your carbon footprint. 
  • Furnaces and boilers are not eligible under the Canada Greener Homes Grant Initiative, except for homeowners living in northern and off-grid communities.
  • Up to $10,000
  • Up to $8,600 for eligible ground-source heat pumps
  • Up to $10,000 for eligible air source heat pumps
  • Up to $1,400 for eligible heat pump water heaters

Wood Burning Equipment

  • Replace non-working wood burning equipment with energy-efficient models
  • Up to $1,000 per unit

Renewable Energy

  • Install a solar photovoltaic system to convert sunlight energy into electricity.
  • Only eligible to homeowners who own their primary residence.
  • Up to $5,000 ($1,000 per kW added in most cases)

Resiliency Measures

  • Implement measures to protect your home and family from environmental damages.
  • Must be combined with another energy efficiency retrofit and only eligible to homeowners who own their primary residence.
  • Up to $2,625
  • Up to $1,000 for batteries connected to photovoltaic systems
  • Up to $150 for roofing membrane
  • Up to $875 for basement waterproofing
  • Up to $600 for moisture-proofing crawlspaces

Home Energy Assessment Grant Eligibility

for Nova Scotia

Homeowners in Nova Scotia are eligible for rebates up to $10,000 through Canada Greener Homes Grant initiative and Efficiency Nova Scotia’s Home Energy Assessment (HEA) program to help homeowners improve their home energy efficiency and fight climate change. They can also receive up to $600 to cover the costs of the pre- and post-retrofit home energy assessment. Homeowners can apply for an interest free loan of up to $40,000, with a 10-year repayment term to help with the costs of retrofits.

Who is Eligible in Nova Scotia?

The Home Energy Assessment program is available to Nova Scotian homeowners living in their primary residence that is at least 6 months old. To qualify, homeowners may not begin construction until after they receive their EnerGuide home evaluation. Homeowners who are renting out their property or who have not yet moved into their home, and renters are not eligible for the grant.

Types of Eligible Homes in Nova Scotia

The grant applies to the following types of homes:

✔ Single and semi-detached houses

 Townhome and row housing

 Mobile homes on a permanent foundation

✔ Permanently moored floating homes

 Low-rise multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs)*

 Mixed use buildings, residential portion only

* MURBs over three storeys or with a footprint of over 600 m2 or containing over 100 units are not eligible homes under the initiative. For the Canada Greener Homes Grant initiative, a low-rise MURB is defined based on Part 9 of the National Building Code of Canada.

Eligibility for Indigenous People in Nova Scotia

  • Indigenous Peoples have additional eligibility opportunities.
  • They may be eligible to register multiple homes if they own the home or have a formal partnership to represent the owners if the homes are occupied by an Indigenous household.

Canada Greener Homes Loan (up to $40,000)

How the Grant Process Works in Nova Scotia

All retrofits must be completed following a home energy assessment.

  1. Book an initial Home Energy Assessment (HEA) with an advisor registered with Efficiency Nova Scotia. Work can not start until the assessment is completed.
  2. Apply for an optional, interest-free loan. You can apply for the Canada Greener Homes Loan through NRCan after you have received your HEA. To be eligible for the loan, you must not have started or completed your retrofits.
  3. Review the HEA. This evaluation will identify eligible energy efficient upgrades for your home.
  4. Retrofit your home based on the HEA. Explore to find products to support your retrofit. Our Home Services team can help with some retrofits where you need a little bit of help. You must keep all purchase receipts and invoices for the HEA and any retrofit work. Upgrades must be completed within 12 months of the initial assessment.
  5. Book your final HEA once you have completed all upgrades. This evaluation will assess the performance of the home following retrofits. The energy advisor will also collect copies of your receipts and documentation from your renovation. You will receive your provincial rebate within 90 days.
  6. Your file will be transferred to NRCan who will request certain documents. Submit the required documentation to NRCan.
  7. NRCan will assess your grant eligibility, confirm your grant amount, and send you a rebate for your eligible upgrades.

In Nova Scotia, the federal Canada Greener Homes Grant initiative is co-delivered with Efficiency Nova Scotia’s provincial Home Energy Assessment (HEA) program. Anyone who enrolls in HEA and meets Greener Homes eligibility will automatically be considered for federal rebates and has the option to apply for an interest-free loan. Through the coordinated program, homeowners can receive up to $10,000 in rebates for making their home more energy efficient.

The Canada Greener Homes Loan is still available to Canadians looking to make their homes more energy efficient and comfortable. Homeowners can apply for an interest-free loan between $5,000 and $40,000. This is an unsecured personal loan provided on approved credit with a 10-year repayment term. The maximum loan amount is calculated based on the retrofits planned and selected as part of the application process. Only one loan is available to each eligible property and homeowner (exceptions apply).

To be eligible for the loan, please review the following eligibility requirements:

  • You must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or non-permanent resident who is legally authorized to work in Canada
  • You must own the home and it must be your primary residence
  • You have a pre-retrofit evaluation and have not yet had a post-retrofit evaluation
  • Your pre-retrofit evaluation was completed on or after April 1, 2020
  • You have not started the retrofits for which you are seeking a loan
  • You have a good credit history and are not in:
    • a consumer proposal
    • an orderly payment of debt program
    • a bankruptcy or equivalent insolvency proceeding

You will be asked to share financial information to demonstrate that you have the financial capacity to repay the loan.

You cannot apply for a loan for the following:

  • work that has already been started or completed
  • retrofits that were not recommended in your pre-retrofit evaluation
  • retrofits that are not included in your application (that is, you must not add additional retrofits to your loan application after it has been approved)
  • retrofits that are not eligible for a Canada Greener Homes Grant

For more information and to apply for the loan, visit Natural Resources Canada’s Greener Homes Loan webpage. To submit your application, you will need to upload the following documentation:

  • Your property tax statement
  • Government-issued ID
  • A utility bill
  • Confirmation of income and employment
  • Quotes from contractors

Greener Homes Grant Requirements for Québec

Important Notice for Québec homeowners: The federal Canada Greener Homes Grant has closed intakes of new applicants. Homeowners in Québec are encouraged to visit the Rénoclimat website for updates.

The Canada Greener Homes Loan remains open.

For homeowners who are already registered and eligible, see below for information on how The Home Depot can help with your home efficiency retrofits.

Greener Homes Grant Rebates

in Quebec

Type of Retrofit

Maximum Rebate

Home Insulation

  • Upgrade your eligible attic, cathedral ceiling, flat roof, exterior wall, exposed floor, basement and crawl space.
  • Grants are calculated based on eligible insulation area, extent of work completed, and amount of insulation added.
  • Up to $5,000
  • Up to $1,800 for attics, cathedral ceilings and flat roofs
  • Up to $5,000 for exterior walls
  • Up to $350 for exposed floors
  • Up to $1,500 for basements & crawl spaces

Air Sealing

  • Perform air sealing to improve the airtightness of your home to achieve the air-change rate target.
  • Grants are awarded if airtightness testing meets or exceeds targets from your Renovation Upgrade Report
  • Up to $1,000

Windows and Doors

  • Replace your doors, windows or sliding glass doors with ENERGY STAR® certified or Most Efficient models
  • Up to $250 per rough opening, to a maximum of $5,000
  • Add a smart thermostat to help improve your comfort and save money on your energy bill.
  • Must be combined with another energy-efficiency retrofit.
  • Up to $50

Space and Water Heating

  • Make the switch to more energy-efficient space heating or water heating equipment to save on your utility bill and reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Furnaces and boilers are not eligible under the Canada Greener Homes Grant Initiative, except for homeowners living in northern and off-grid communities.
  • Up to $5,000
  • Up to $5,000 for eligible ground-source heat pumps
  • Up to $5,000 for eligible air source heat pumps
  • Up to $1,000 for eligible heat pump water heaters

Renewable Energy

  • Install a solar photovoltaic system to convert sunlight energy into electricity.
  • Up to $5,000 ($1,000 per kW added)

Resiliency Measures

  • Implement measures to protect your home and family from environmental damages.
  • Must be combined with another energy efficiency retrofit.
  • Up to $2,625
  • Up to $1,000 for batteries connected to photovoltaic systems
  • Up to $150 for roofing membrane
  • Up to $875 for basement waterproofing
  • Up to $600 for moisture-proofing crawlspaces

Type of Retrofit

Maximum Rebate

Home Insulation

  • Upgrade your eligible attic, cathedral ceiling, flat roof, exterior wall, exposed floor, basement and crawl space.
  • Grants are calculated based on eligible insulation area, extent of work completed, and amount of insulation added.
  • Up to $5,000
  • Up to $1,800 for attics, cathedral ceilings and flat roofs
  • Up to $5,000 for exterior walls
  • Up to $350 for exposed floors
  • Up to $1,500 for basements & crawl spaces

Air Sealing

  • Perform air sealing to improve the airtightness of your home to achieve the air-change rate target.
  • Grants are awarded if airtightness testing meets or exceeds targets from your Renovation Upgrade Report
  • Up to $1,000

Windows and Doors

  • Replace your doors, windows or sliding glass doors with ENERGY STAR® certified or Most Efficient models
  • Up to $250 per rough opening, to a maximum of $5,000


  • Add a smart thermostat to help improve your comfort and save money on your energy bill.
  • Must be combined with another energy-efficiency retrofit.
  • Up to $50

Space and Water Heating

  • Make the switch to more energy-efficient space heating or water heating equipment to save on your utility bill and reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Furnaces and boilers are not eligible under the Canada Greener Homes Grant Initiative, except for homeowners living in northern and off-grid communities.
  • Up  to $5,000
  • Up to $5,000 for eligible ground-source heat pumps
  • Up to $5,000 for eligible air source heat pumps
  • Up to $1,000 for eligible heat pump water heaters

Renewable Energy

  • Install a solar photovoltaic system to convert sunlight energy into electricity.
  • Up to $5,000 ($1,000 per kW added)

Resiliency Measures

  • Implement measures to protect your home and family from environmental damages.
  • Must be combined with another energy efficiency retrofit.
  • Up to $2,625
  • Up to $1,000 for batteries connected to photovoltaic systems
  • Up to $150 for roofing membrane
  • Up to $875 for basement waterproofing
  • Up to $600 for moisture-proofing crawlspaces
  • Qualifying multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs) are eligible for grants related to insulation, air sealing, windows and doors, renewable energy, resiliency measures. In most cases, MURBs are not eligible for grants related to heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, thermostats, or furnaces or boilers (in northern and off-grid communities)
  • Eligibility for maximum rebate is based on specific criteria, product or equipment. See the information from Natural Resources Canada for details.

Greener Homes Grant eligibility

for Quebec

The Canada Greener Homes Grant is funded and administered by Natural Resources Canada. Eligible homeowners can receive up to $5,600 back to cover a portion of the costs associated with completing energy-efficiency home upgrades (up to $5,000 for completing eligible retrofits and up to $600 toward the cost of required pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide home evaluations). To participate, homeowners must register online on the Canada Greener Homes portal. Additional requirements apply for homeowners in Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia. Funding is limited to $2.6 billion over 7 years or 700,000 grants. Visit for complete eligibility criteria and grant requirements to ensure you qualify. 

For homeowners in Quebec, the grant applies to the following types of homes:

  Single and semi-detached houses

✔  Townhome and row housing

  Mobile homes on a permanent foundation

  Permanently moored floating homes

  Low-rise multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs)*

  Mixed use buildings, residential portion only

Please review the following eligibility criteria for Quebec homeowners:

  Eligible homeowners living in their primary residence that is at least 6 months old.

  Eligible homeowners may not begin their eligible retrofit until after they receive their EnerGuide home evaluation

Indigenous Peoples may be eligible to register multiple homes if they own the home or have a formal partnership to represent the owners if the homes are occupied by an Indigenous household.

Please Note: Homeowners who are renting out their property or who have not yet moved into their home, and renters are not eligible for the grant.

* MURBs over three storeys or with a footprint of over 600 m2 or containing over 100 units are not eligible homes under the initiative. For the Canada Greener Homes Grant initiative, a low-rise MURB is defined based on Part 9 of the National Building Code of Canada.

To learn more about Quebec’s provincial rebates, please click here.

Canada Greener Homes Loan (up to $40,000)

How The Grant Process Works in Quebec

All retrofits must be completed following an EnerGuide home evaluation.

  1. Apply online through Natural Resources Canada.
  2. Book your pre-retrofit EnerGuide home evaluation with an advisor registered with Natural Resources Canada. A list of approved energy advisors is available when you register for the program. Work cannot start until the evaluation is completed.
  3. Apply for an optional, interest-free loan. You can apply for the Canada Greener Homes Loan through NRCan after you have received your EnerGuide evaluation. To be eligible for the loan, you must not have started or completed your retrofits.
  4. Review the EnerGuide evaluation. This evaluation will identify eligible energy efficient upgrades for your home.
  5. Retrofit your home based on the EnerGuide evaluation. Explore to find products to support your retrofit. Our Home Services team can help with some retrofits where you need a little bit of help. You must keep all purchase receipts and invoices for the EnerGuide home evaluation and any retrofit work.
  6. Book a post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation once you have completed all upgrades. This evaluation will assess the performance of the home following retrofits.
  7. Submit the required documentation through the Greener Homes Grant portal to request and receive your grant.

Required Documents For Quebec Applicants

In order to be eligible for the grant, you will need to collect and keep your documentation.

To begin your application, you will need to provide the following:

  • Your name
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Type of house
  • Address of your primary residence
  • Proof of ownership (your property tax bill number)
  • Proof of residence (government-issued id matching the address of the retrofit)

to apply for the grant, you will need to provide the following:

  • Receipts your pre- and post-retrofit energuide evaluations
  • All receipts and invoices for purchases and installation costs (receipts must indicate that they have been Paid in full)

if applicable, you may need to provide documents supporting the following:

  • grid-connected solar photovoltaic systems were approved to be connected by the local electrical or building authority.
  • mechanical systems were installed by a trained and licensed professional.
  • ground-source heat pumps were installed in accordance with csa standards.
  • air-source head pumps or cold climate air source heat pump systems are capable of distributing heat to the entire home.
  • off-grid systems were designed and installed in accordance with local building and electrical codes

Retain all documentation until March 31, 2028.

The Canada Greener Homes Loan is still available to Canadians looking to make their homes more energy efficient and comfortable. Homeowners can apply for an interest-free loan between $5,000 and $40,000. This is an unsecured personal loan provided on approved credit with a 10-year repayment term. The maximum loan amount is calculated based on the retrofits planned and selected as part of the application process. Only one loan is available to each eligible property and homeowner (exceptions apply).

To be eligible for the loan, please review the following eligibility requirements:

  • You must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or non-permanent resident who is legally authorized to work in Canada
  • You must own the home and it must be your primary residence
  • You have a pre-retrofit evaluation and have not yet had a post-retrofit evaluation
  • Your pre-retrofit evaluation was completed on or after April 1, 2020
  • You have not started the retrofits for which you are seeking a loan
  • You have a good credit history and are not in:
    • a consumer proposal
    • an orderly payment of debt program
    • a bankruptcy or equivalent insolvency proceeding

You will be asked to share financial information to demonstrate that you have the financial capacity to repay the loan.

You cannot apply for a loan for the following:

  • work that has already been started or completed
  • retrofits that were not recommended in your pre-retrofit evaluation
  • retrofits that are not included in your application (that is, you must not add additional retrofits to your loan application after it has been approved)
  • retrofits that are not eligible for a Canada Greener Homes Grant

For more information and to apply for the loan, visit Natural Resources Canada’s Greener Homes Loan webpage. To submit your application, you will need to upload the following documentation:

  • Your property tax statement
  • Government-issued ID
  • A utility bill
  • Confirmation of income and employment
  • Quotes from contractors

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The Canada Greener Homes Initiative is a federal government energy rebate and loan program provided by the Department of Natural Resources Canada and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Natural Resources Canada and its Federal Partner do not endorse the services of any contractor or builder; any Service Organization or Energy Advisor; any manufacturer or supplier of products or any specific products.